Tagged: ipad mini 2

For ios 6,7(jailbroken)

If you have Cydia – just add new repository with address http://system.in-appstore.com/repo/ and install package contained in it.

Starting from version 1.3 you have two ways to make in-app purchase with LocalIAPStore:

  • Standard receipt
  • Custom receipt


Standard receipt:

Step one:

Enable hack in your Settings.app, disable custom receipts ( no need log out from your Apple ID).

Step two:

Open app in which you want to make in-app purchase. Try to buy something – popup will be displayed. Tap “Cancel” – you are done! Receive you in-app for free!

Custom receipt:

Step one:

Enable hack in your Settings.app, enable custom receipts. Then you need log out from your Apple ID.

Step two:

Open app in which you want to make in-app purchase. Try to buy something – popup will be displayed. Tap “Buy”, then, on Apple ID popup, tap “Cancel” – you are done! Receive you in-app for free!

If one of the ways fails, try another, it may work;)